Assess your compliance in just 15 minutes

Get a comprehensive compliance overview in minutes. Understand your current practices, identify gaps, and take the first step towards securing your organization’s future.


NCM ICT-beveiligingsprincipes is een kader voor ICT-beveiliging gepubliceerd en onderhouden door de Noorse Nationale Veiligheidsautoriteit (NSM). De beveiligingsprincipes adviseren bedrijven en organisaties hoe ze hun informatiesystemen kunnen beschermen tegen ongeautoriseerde toegang, schade of misbruik.

De beginselen zijn gericht op technologische en organisatorische maatregelen. Maatregelen op het gebied van fysieke veiligheid en het menselijk perspectief worden over het algemeen niet behandeld. De maatregelen zijn van toepassing op zowel onopzettelijke als opzettelijke handelingen, hoewel de nadruk ligt op opzettelijke handelingen.

In dit raamwerk zijn er 21 beveiligingsprincipes met in totaal 118 beveiligingsmaatregelen, verdeeld over vier categorieën: i) identificeren, ii) beschermen en onderhouden, iii) detecteren en iv) reageren en herstellen.

Waarom kiezen voor de Cyberday beoordeling?

Uitgebreid en toch eenvoudig

Gain insights into your organization's compliance status towards the most popular information security frameworks worldwide, in just a few clicks.

Directe resultaten

Ontvang een gedetailleerd, eenvoudig te begrijpen rapport waarin je sterke punten en verbeterpunten naar voren komen.

Gratis te gebruiken

Vul de beoordeling in en download gratis je nalevingsrapport.

Naadloze integratie

Ga met slechts één klik van beoordeling naar volledige ISMS-implementatie en zorg voor voortdurende controle op naleving.

Stap 1

De beoordeling starten

Choose the framework that is most relevant for you and start assessing. You'll see a suggested list of measures, which you can categorize according to your current operations.

Stap 2

Get your initial report

You'll automatically see your compliance score updating and can click "Preview results" at any time to see a more detailed summary of your assessment results. This report can be printed for internal discussion about current security level.

Stap 3

Overgang naar ISMS

Aftey your assessment, you can choose to transition to a free Cyberday ISMS account to actually start implenenting and monitoring your security actions. You can utilize our tools for e.g. control deployment, risk management, internal auditing and improvement management to get better every day.

Stap 4

Review your full framework compliance report

Access a detailed compliance report tailored to your selected framework. Dive into the structure, review gaps, and explore actionable insights that help you achieve full compliance.


What is the Cyberday framework assessment?

It’s a quick online tool that evaluates your organization’s compliance with the selected security frameworks (e.g. ISO 27001, NIS2, NIST CSF). You’ll receive a detailed report highlighting your compliance status and can continue on to create a free trial of a full ISMS system if relevant.

Hoe lang duurt de beoordeling?

Filling the assessment takes appx. 15 minutes, depending on the choice of the security framework. You can also make your own choice on documenting more details or skipping this part and focusing on main status selections (e.g. fully, partly, mostly done).

Is de beoordeling echt gratis?

Yes, assessment is 100% free to create and doesn't come with any commitments. You're also not required to fill any personal information when completing the assessment. If you decide to continue to a free 14-day Cyberday ISMS trial afterwards, then you'll fill basic information of your organization to get the trial account set up, but also no credit card required on this step.

Wat gebeurt er nadat ik het assessment heb voltooid?

You'll see a report comparing the strength and compliance of your different information security themes. You can then make the decision to move the current actions to an ISMS account or just to download the report and use it for own communication.

Do I need any prior experience with NIS2 or ISO 27001 or any other framework to complete the assessment?

No you don't. Cyberday splits the requirements of these frameworks down to clear security tasks, which can be understood without any prior compliance or framework knowledge. Basic knowledge about information security and your organization's current measures will help you in filling the assessment accurately.